Book A Reading Via Phone or Video Call

Following your purchase, please use the below form to book your reading via phone or video call. These readings can be delivered via your phone number, facebook video/voice call or zoom.

If you are wanting to receive your reading via email/message, this does not require a booking. Email Readings are scheduled into my calendar during my own time, and are typically received within 14 days of purchase, depending on my availability. If however, you are needing to receive it by a certain day, you are welcome to send me a facebook message or email and I’ll let you know if I can work with your time frame.

Booking Instructions:

  • Select the service from the menu first – if the service isn’t selected first, the form won’t show the available time slot. If you’ve forgotten to select the service, refresh the page.
  • Select a day and time slot
  • Fill in your details and submit the form
  • If you haven’t purchased the reading already, please do so following your booking as payment in advance is required to secure your booking. You may be able to find that your booking has been placed into your cart for payment at checkout but if not, please purchase via the Purchase a Reading page.


    IMPORTANT: Please note booking time is based on AEST.


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