About me

Hey there, I’m Sophie. I am a mum of two boys from Melbourne, Australia. Welcome to my website, The Moonlight Psychic.

This is where you’ll be able to purchase Psychic and Mediumship Readings which are done online from the comfort of your own home, tailored to your needs and delivered by your preference, which can be over video chat or phone call, or over text or instant messaging, or email, whichever method and experience you would prefer. I strive to deliver the most accurate readings possible, and enjoy being able to help others through my gifts.

From a child, I always had intuition – A sense of knowing what was going to happen that day, or at a time in the future. Even a connection to the other side. As a child, not many around me had passed away, but I was able to feel my first pet dog around me after he had passed. I could literally still feel him sleeping on my feet after he had passed away.

Growing up in a religious household, these beliefs were not supported as I was pressured to believe differently, so they got pushed aside and I didn’t look further into them until I reached adulthood and experienced a huge spiritual awakening. There came a point in time where I could just see a lot happening in front of my eyes, and also more mediumship experiences, where people from the other side were talking to me and it was to the point where I could just no longer continue to ignore it. I knew that this path had chosen me as my abilities had caught up with me, so I knew I needed to explore further and educate myself more, and choose the path which felt right for me. So off I went, attending Psychic Development Classes, Workshops, read lots of books, researched online. I then began doing readings for people, just for fun and to gain experience, with no cost involved at first. After achieving such high success rate and being able to deliver such a diverse range of readings, I then decided to venture out and start my own little business, and I am absolutely enjoying every bit of it. The feeling of being able to help others is something I just really love. It’s fulfilling for me, as it is to the person on the receiving end.

Readings can be booked via the online booking system. I also have a range of Spiritual items and Crystals for sale.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via [email protected], and I’ll endeavor to get back to you at my nearest convenience. Thank you for stopping by, and I look forward to being able to assist you soon.

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